15 ways to set a password that is easy to remember but still safe, without worrying about being exposed
Here are some great tips to help you create an extremely creative and easy-to-remember password while ensuring a level of security, without worrying about being exposed: How to create a secure and easy-to-remember password When creating any password, you need to ensure a few factors as follows: Have at least 10 characters . Does not contain words that are easily found in the dictionary. Contains uppercase and lowercase letters. Include at least one digit (such as 1, 2, 3, …) and a special character (such as exclamation point, @ sign, …). Does not contain any personal information , such as your birthday, phone number, spouse/partner name, favorite animal name or home address. Remember, you can create a secure password in 3 easy steps: Find and set easy-to-remember passwords. Change your password to make sure it doesn't contain dictionary words. Add symbols and numbers to the password you change. 2 How to change password To change your passw...